Month in Review – July 2020
This month I worked on techniques for more painterly style caricatures in Procreate. Illustrating without hard outlines to define features within the face is not my strong suit at all, however playing around with this style is a lot of fun even if the end result is someone messy and unfinished looking. I’ve been watching various oil portrait painting demos on YouTube to help understand the traditional portrait painting process.
Sketching Faces in Procreate
Here are some sketches I did in Procreate. Along with traditional painting techniques, I also focused quite a bit on sketching faces from scratch digitally. I have an “Interesting Faces” board on Pinterest which has some great subjects for this exercise.
Celebrity Caricature
I don’t draw celebrity caricatures a whole lot these days, but saw a picture of ESPN commentator Marty Smith and was immediately intrigued by the hourglass shade of his head.
Minnesota Sports
Last month I mentioned that the creators of a mockumentory series called WHEN-ESOTA contact me about using my Vikings Love Boat illustration for their newest video. Well, it’s now available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube! You can see my art around the 14:00 mark. And I suppose it would be apropos to share these two throwback cartoons of a pathetic, sad Minnesota sports fan who always get’s his hopes up only to be let down (basically self-caricatures).
Post-it Doodles
The end of July marked an exciting milestone for my @idoodlefaces Instagram account, as I passed the 5,000 follower mark!
That’s all for now. See you again next month!